Beate Gminder

Beate Gminder about human trafficking and the 'Medusa 2022' exercise

#Regions4Integration - Beate Gminder - DG for Migration and Home Affairs, EC

Beate Gminder στον Καρα Τεπέ

Beate Gminder, Αν. Διευ. Μετανάστευσης και Εσωτερικών της Ε.Ε. & Επικεφαλής Task Force για τη Λέσβο

Future-proofing refugee protection: Opportunities for transatlantic action

Building a Future-Proof Europe for Migration

VMC2022 | Finding the right political and policy formula for successful partnerships

Lässt sich Migration managen?

#9_DeZIM meets taz talk: Was kommt nach Moria? Europa und das Grundrecht auf Asyl

VMC2022 | European migration and asylum policy reform: Are we breaking gridlocks?

taz Talk #68 meets DeZIM - Europa und das Grundrecht auf Asyl

Inside Pournara Migrants reception centre in Cyprus! Doors OPEN

Christof Gminder, Reutlingen

2nd Session of the Monitoring Committees of the Home Affairs Funds - a

Five Years of EU Refugee Response on the Greek islands

Working Together to Combat Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling

Migratsioonist Kreeka saartel

EU Anti Trafficking Day 2023 - Statement by EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator Diane Schmitt

Always welcome in the EU

Επίσκεψη Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη & Ευρωπαίας Επιτρόπου Εσ. Υποθέσεων Ylva Johansson, στο ΥΜΑ | 08.01.2024

Home affairs

Beate Müller-Gemmeke: Perspektiven für langzeitarbeitslose Menschen [Bundestag 02.03.2018]

Εγκαίνια νέου ΚΥΤ στη Σάμο